
Hello, my name is Melanie. Thank you for visiting my page.

My journey began with a deeply religious upbringing. Pre-Internet, my reality was very controlled, and small. I had a stable childhood, but it lacked affection and connection. I was child #8 out of 9. Literally a number.

As a child I was interested in answers that pertained to all. Not just answers that work for this group, or this belief system, but universal truths that apply to everyone and everything. In my gut, I knew there had to be more than what I was taught.

Until recently, I was very much asleep spiritually, and reactively manifesting my world.

From 2016 to 2023 I underwent several injuries, predominantly to the head and brain. I chalked it up to having bad luck, or god hates me lol. Either way, it wasn’t anything I was paying attention to.

It wasn’t until the injury in 2023, that could have paralyzed me or even taken my life. I was crushed by a 1K lb. steel leg press that fell on my head…. Yes on my head (ouch!).

This was the final knock to the head (literally) that got my attention. I knew someone or something was trying to wake me up, and if I didn’t listen, it was only going to get worse. I promised God/Source/Universe that I would listen if I could walk away from this injury without additional long term damage.

The message was clear. Time to stop drinking your problems away, and time to start listening. That was the only message I was given.

The path was extremely difficult at first, and I underwent several changes, not knowing who I was or what the heck I was supposed to be doing here. On top of my full-time job, and small business, I had taught myself to day trade, and was doing fairly well at it. Chasing the money, to open a healing center, was my answer to help ease humanities suffering.  

No longer being able to drink my problems away, I was unable to continue day trading, and many other things I spent my time on. It was a dark and ugly time, but I made it through.

Since that injury, I have opened myself up to a path of purpose and divinely led direction. I am no longer in pursuit of material wealth. I am here to serve humanity and Earth, and to help others awaken to their power, and reconnect with their divinity and life’s purpose.

We chose to come here. We all have unique gifts and talents to share with each other. One of my gifts is healing. I was led to Trinity, and the Trinity Technique through a series of divinely led coincidences. Here I’ve found a healing modality with depth, and connection to spirit that the world is ready for. It is time to make great change.  Our Traumas and struggles are key to helping us step into our power. Love and Light my humans!